Iščemo Java front-end in back-end razvijalce
Iščeš nove priložnosti in bi rad delal s sodobnimi tehnologijami na projektih za pomembne stranke?
Pri našem podjetju v povezavi s partnerstvom z vodilnimi dobavitelji na svojih področjih TIBCO, Redhat in Liferay, načrtujemo in implementiramo napredne rešitve. Iščemo Java front-end in back-end razvijalce z izkušnjami. Če si že delal z DXP platformo Liferay ali Apache Camel, je to samo dodaten plus.
Če si pripravljen na nove izzive in misliš, da smo skupaj lahko uspešni, se nam pridruži!
Prijavo in življenjepis pošlji na challenges@bintegra.com
Kdo smo?
Smo dinamično podjetje s sedežem v Mariboru in pisarno v Ljubljani, aktivni smo predvsem na področjih telekomunikacij in energetike. Ponujamo zaposlitev za nedoločen čas, delo na zanimivih projektih v sproščenem kolektivu. Lokacija dela je v pisarni v Mariboru ali v Ljubljani, z možnostjo za občasno delo od doma.
Več o nas lahko najdeš na: https://bintegra.com
We are looking for Java front-end and back-end developers
Are you on a hunt for a new job opportunity and eager to work with modern technologies on projects for high-valuable customers?
In a partnership with world’s main stream software solutions providers like TIBCO, Redhat and Liferay we plan, design and implement advanced solutions in a various areas of operation.
We are in a search for experienced Java front-end and back-end developers. Your experiences with Liferay DXP platform will impress us and bring you extra points!
Willing to take the challenge? Do you know that we will be successful together? Join us! We expect your job application with resume: challenges@bintegra.com.
Who are we?
A set of agile and curious people working in a dynamic mid-size company located in Maribor and with an office in Ljubljana. Our solutions are mainly from the fields of telecommunications and energetics.
We offer a full time job, work on exciting projects in a successful and cooperative team in Maribor or Ljubljana office, and occasional work from the comfort of your home.
More about us: https://bintegra.com