Guest lecture at FERI – UM
As a way of enriching students with the latest updates of the Industries and Technicalities, Bintegra was invited to give lecture at the The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Maribor.

Infographic 2018
An amazing 2018 is behind us and we want to thank you for a great year…

Srečno 2018!

Kaj imata skupnega Bintegra in ultramaratonec Robert, ki se odpravlja v puščavo ?
Na Bintegri smo z veseljem podprli mariborskega ultramaratonca Roberta Kerežija, ki se odpravlja v Peru, v puščavo Ica desert, na eno najtežjih tekaških preizkušenj. Za sodelovanje smo se odločili, ker Robert v najboljšem smislu simbolizira vrednote, za katere se trudimo tudi v našem podjetju: vztrajnost in odločnost pri delu, iskanje najzahtevnejših izzivov in strast na sami poti do želenega cilja.

Calculating ROI on Enterprise UX
UX design of enterprise applications is generally lacking and lagging far behind that of consumer applications. The problem we are facing is that many companies still do not see the connection between a better user experience and higher profits. So let’s do the math..