Bintegra at PIES conference 2019
Last week at the conference for ICT professionals in the energy sector in Slovenia (PIES) we presented the IoT platform for energy management we are currently developing.
Last week at the conference for ICT professionals in the energy sector in Slovenia (PIES) we presented the IoT platform for energy management we are currently developing.
As a way of enriching students with the latest updates of the Industries and Technicalities, Bintegra was invited to give lecture at the The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Maribor.
Another successful presentation at the Conference Of ICT professionals in the energy supply sector of Slovenia for Bintegra.
Bintegra presented IT integration in modern electricity networks using the CIM model at the 23th OTS conference (23. konferenca sodobne informacijske tehnologije in storitve).
By thinking from end users perspective, Bintegra managed to develop complex, and at the same time, user friendly enterprise solution, for our dear customers at Agencija za Energijo.
Bintegra presented the possible ways of solving the challenges of today’s electricity grids for the needed transition to state-of-the-art power grids at the 10th PIES conference (10th Consultation on Informatics in the Energy Sector of Slovenia) together with our partners from Iskratel.