Summary of all the steps you have to take to offer the best Digital Self-Service experience
Simple as that, choose Digital Self-Service Digital self-service or self-service is a term for customer service approach that empowers users to independently resolve issues or answer questions through digital channels. To succeed in Self-Service,...
The best moment for action and implementation of Self-Service Portal
Regarding Harvard Business Review, 81% of customers across industries attempt to take care of matters themselves before reaching out to a live representative. Ultimately, an investment into Self-Service is therefore an investment in customer experience. The resources...
Go deeper and check if your company needs a Self-Service Portal
In last few years, a lot of trends are happening in Digital Self-Service area. Millennium generations are growing up and becoming service consumers. They are used to digital channels and tools. Also Coronavirus pandemic brought changes to us since people spent more...
Successful examples of Digital Self-Service users
Self-service is the first step toward excellent digital customer experiences. Self-service is foundational for serving modern customer needs, but it is also key to decreasing cost-to-serve. The benefits of successfully implementing a portal with self-service...
Start to discover Digital Self-Service and all its advantages
Digital self-service or self-service is a term for customer service approach that empowers users to independently resolve issues or answer questions through digital channels. While self-service can be delivered through many different channels such as...
Business Rules for Digital Transformation
Business optimization with Red Hat Decision Manager Red Hat Decision Manager helps companies build applications that automate business decision. Automating processes eliminates the risk and cost of human error, process duplication and redundancy. With Red Hat Decision...
Implementing API-Centric Agile Integration
Industries like travel and hospitality have been transformed by new ways of doing business. New services are now offered, and consumers interact with services differently. This trend of disruptive change is extending across other major industries, from financial...
Agile, API-based integration for communications service providers
Disparate operations support systems (OSS) and business support systems (BSS) lack scalability and limit the value of network and application data. IT teams need federated access to legacy systems and data, while developers and partners need secure, easy access to...
2021 Survivor Guide: Digital Self-Service
Origins of Digital Self-Service The term Self-Service is not something we invented in last decade. The term originated from a retail grocer in 1917 when American grocer Clarence Saunders filed a patent for his “self-serving store”. Instead of compiling a list of goods...
Hiring – Looking for Java developers
Iščemo Java front-end in back-end razvijalce Iščeš nove priložnosti in bi rad delal s sodobnimi tehnologijami na projektih za pomembne stranke? Pri našem podjetju v povezavi s partnerstvom z vodilnimi dobavitelji na svojih področjih TIBCO, Redhat in Liferay,...