Developing enterprise solution with Liferay platform and Apache service mix
By thinking from end users perspective, Bintegra managed to develop complex, and at the same time, user friendly enterprise solution, for our dear customers at Agencija za Energijo.
Srečno 2018!
Kaj imata skupnega Bintegra in ultramaratonec Robert, ki se odpravlja v puščavo ?
Na Bintegri smo z veseljem podprli mariborskega ultramaratonca Roberta Kerežija, ki se odpravlja v Peru, v puščavo Ica desert, na eno najtežjih tekaških preizkušenj. Za sodelovanje smo se odločili, ker Robert v najboljšem smislu simbolizira vrednote, za katere se trudimo tudi v našem podjetju: vztrajnost in odločnost pri delu, iskanje najzahtevnejših izzivov in strast na sami poti do želenega cilja.
Bintegra at the 10th PIES conference
Bintegra presented the possible ways of solving the challenges of today’s electricity grids for the needed transition to state-of-the-art power grids at the 10th PIES conference (10th Consultation on Informatics in the Energy Sector of Slovenia) together with our partners from Iskratel.
Calculating ROI on Enterprise UX
UX design of enterprise applications is generally lacking and lagging far behind that of consumer applications. The problem we are facing is that many companies still do not see the connection between a better user experience and higher profits. So let’s do the math..
Bintegra continues to hold the AAA Credit rating excellence Certificate
We are pleased to announce that this year we again managed to obtain the AAA Creditworthiness rating excellence Certificate.
Bintegra is acquired by Solvera Lynx
We are excited to share the news that Bintegra has been acquired by Solvera Lynx d.d., a provider of custom-made energy management solutions.
The Citizen Integrator in theory and in practice
One of the areas where we have been witnessing changes in the last few years in the field of integrations, along with the iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) is the appearance of the so-called Citizen Integrators. The post describes our experiences as Integration Specialists on the topic of the effectiveness of the Citizen Developers.
Integration of payment services
Introducing a completely new mobile payment platform is always demanding in the aspect of inclusion of merchants, who would accept new modes of payment. That is why Bintegra developed an integration solution, which enabled a mobile operator to offer popular and widely accepted mobile payment system to it’s customers, using a combination of TIBCO BusinessWorks and Business Events for achieving maximum responsiveness of the solution.
Fix and mobile Convergence Integration
A mobile service provider acquiring an ISP to provide their customers with new convergent services. With an established SOA environment using TIBCO BusinessWorks, our team was able to assist the company into building new convergent services, which were built on top of already existing services and software products, while retaining most of the already existing business models and software.