Bintegra becomes a Liferay partner, a DXP Leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for DXPs for the 10th time in the 2020.
We are glad to announce our partnership with Liferay Inc., an industry recognized leader for 10 years in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for digital experience platform (DXPs). After a decade of using Liferay Portal CE platform on our solutions in the area of B2B and B2C...
Bintegra starts partnership with Integration Matters
The goal of new partnership is to provide our customers with best application monitoring experience.
Bintegra at PIES conference 2019
Last week at the conference for ICT professionals in the energy sector in Slovenia (PIES) we presented the IoT platform for energy management we are currently developing.
NEDO-Fleks: Celovita uporaba prožnosti
Cilj projekta je razvoj in demonstracija naprednih rešitev za prožnost in vzdržnost, ki zajemajo krmilni sistem baterijskega hranilnika električne energije, napredne algoritme sistema WAMS, nove module k področnemu sistemu upravljanja z energijo, platformo za obveščanje in nadgrajeno platformo elektroenergetskih trgov storitev.
Guest lecture at FERI – UM
As a way of enriching students with the latest updates of the Industries and Technicalities, Bintegra was invited to give lecture at the The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Maribor.
Infographic 2018
An amazing 2018 is behind us and we want to thank you for a great year…
Bintegra at PIES conference
Another successful presentation at the Conference Of ICT professionals in the energy supply sector of Slovenia for Bintegra.
Bintegra at the 23th OTS conference
Bintegra presented IT integration in modern electricity networks using the CIM model at the 23th OTS conference (23. konferenca sodobne informacijske tehnologije in storitve).
CIM Based Systems Integration Project in the Scope of the Slovenian-Japanese “NEDO” Project
Bintegra’ s presentation at CIM USERS GROUP – EUROPEAN MEETING.
IoT platform for efficient energy management
Our goal will be to develop an IoT platform for efficient and smart energy management that will enable people to take complete control of their energy usage.